GDPT Vanh Hanh
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How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously.

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How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously. Empty How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously.

Post  BurpleSmile.dtd Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:22 am

Ok you've already seen most of my friends on facebook or what so ever.
Besides you guys at chua i pratically don't have any viet friends.
The thing that is intersting is you guys seem to know alot of vietnamese people more then me.
Anyways i want to know how is that possible.
The thing about vietnamese people is that one of my friends think they are all pratically Rich fake obnoxious wannabes nail people.
He's not prejudice , he just met the wrong people and that's what bugs me.
Each time he refers to me as Chinese because i am part chinese not my other half which is vietnamese.
I wanted to like bring him to chua and some of my other friends but they refused to go which bugs me the most.
Each time i do meet a vietnamese person my friend usually kind of shows off his cocky attitude meaning he makes the guy or girl go away....
Because of him now pratically some of my friends act like him now.

I think i lost the topic. Anyways i'm just saying how did you guys meet or atleast know some of those vietnamese people?
were they your friends already, out side of school, or what?
I'm just curious Smile

Last edited by ClassicalChurro on Sun May 10, 2009 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 28
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How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously. Empty Re: How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously.

Post  NgVt Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:12 am

no, vietnamese community in *raleigh is small. so one person usually knows alot of other vietnamese. so then you become friends with their friends. that's it

sometimes Vietnamese people add me on facebook/myspace and i'm like wtf, just because i'm vietnamese and you're vietnamese we're friends?? i don't know you. deny. i know that's bad but eh, they might be stalker.


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How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously. Empty Re: How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously.

Post  Animosity Fri May 01, 2009 8:37 am

hahaha yeah, thah is right, plus the whole vietnamese moms working at nail salon stereotype kinda helps out . . . it's a pretty small world.

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How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously. Empty Re: How do you guys know alot of viet people? no seriously.

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